3 Quotes & Sayings By Sonya Walger

Sonya Walger is an award-winning writer and filmmaker whose work has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and Real Simple Magazine. She is also the creator of Play It Away. Sonya spent six years as a reporter for Glamour magazine and worked as a contributing editor at Real Simple. Additionally, she was a freelance writer for The New York Times, E!, Women's Health, Eating Well, Real Simple, and Fitness magazines Read more

She has contributed to books and contributed to Play it Away and its sequel Play It Away: The Movie. Sonya lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children.

We have 40 people over for Thanksgiving, 30 people for Easter lunch, 35 people on Christmas Eve. People tend to expect to spend their holidays with us, which is lovely and an expectation I carry with pride. Sonya Walger
I felt very unstressed on my wedding day. I'm very grateful for that... spending the day on my own, being super quiet and happy and just puttering around doing my own thing. Sonya Walger